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TOUS SOLIDAIRES: The referents abroad

16.07.2020 - Volunteers
From Laos to Haiti, via the Democratic Republic of Congo, 28 volunteer referents in over 20 countries give their time every day to help children with heart disease. True ambassadors for the Association abroad, they act as a link between children with heart disease, their families and Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque to facilitate their arrival in France and their follow-up after their return.

Christine and Nathalie are Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque referents in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, where they both work in collaboration. In this article, they explain their role as referents abroad, and reveal the stories that have marked them.



"We are two referents in Kinshasa."
Our collaboration with
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque began in 2017 for Nathalie and in 2019 for Christine.

"Our role is twofold:

- The first is to organize the departure of children suffering from heart disease to France, where they will undergo surgery . We welcome, inform, reassure and accompany families through the administrative procedures (visa, authorization to leave the country, etc.) until the child's departure for the airport. We meet them again when their child returns home, once he or she has recovered.

- The second is to monitor the children sponsored by the Association . There are currently 12 such children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We pay the school fees and make sure that the children attend school regularly.

Our role as referents creates a unique bond with the children undergoing surgery and their families. Parents put all their hope in the operation. They put their trust in us, and it's our job to make sure that everything goes smoothly for their child.




The greatest joy for us is the return of the children, transformed by the operation. We remember David, aged 10, who left in a wheelchair and came back skipping along the airport aisles, watched in amazement by his mom.

Paying for schooling is also a time we enjoy, as we travel to the schools, which are sometimes located in the bush, and have to take the most unlikely of tracks! We are proud of the progress made by our little "protégés". For example, Elisabeth who is taking her baccalaureate this year and wants to become a doctor. Or Emmanuel, who plays soccer at a well-known school and wants to make a career out of it.

Our collaboration with Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque has given a human dimension to our life in Kinshasa.

We're very happy to be part of this wonderful chain of solidarity! "
Christine and Nathalie, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque in Kinshasa



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