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Train cardiopediatrics

Foreign doctors, who work close to the world's cardiac children, are invaluable contacts. They need to be able to diagnose these children and refer them to us for treatment. That's why Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque provides them with free training in cardiopediatrics.


  • 640

    trained doctors

  • 28

    countries concerned

  • 5

    training programs

Our programs training

1. Training 5/5

A free mobile application featuring videos produced with renowned medical trainers.

2. E-Consult'Action

Collaborative ultrasound performed by videoconferencing between a doctor abroad and an expert doctor in France.

3. Master Class

Teaching of different pathologies through a videoconference course led by a French teaching doctor.

4. On-site training

Learning in a small group, alongside a French medical expert, during consultations carried out during Mutual Aid Missions abroad.

5. Echo-Training

A one-week echocardiography course in Paris, for the best learners in remote areas of the world.
Training 5/5 telephone

1. Training 5/5

"Why this title? Because it's symbolic. In Aeronautics and the Navy, it means that the message sent is received loud and clear!"

Prof. Francine LECA

Accessible remotely and 100% digital, this e-training program is the first to be launched. It's a mobile application offering 3 programs made up of videos produced with renowned medical trainers, quizzes, revision sheets and a toolbox.


Its ambition is to provide simple, practical, memorable and free training in pediatric cardiology. By 2022, 550 doctors had enrolled in Formation 5/5, 200 of whom have already completed their training and graduated.




Dr Tatiana Ouedraogo is a cardiologist in the north of Burkina Faso, 200 km from the capital. With a diploma in adult cardiology, she diligently followed our online training course because she wanted to have the tools she needed to manage small patients. Armed with her knowledge, she diagnosed Cherif with Tetralogy of Fallot. Operated on at the CHU in Lyon in May 2022 at the age of 2, he is now in great shape! Dr Ouedraogo sends us regular updates as part of his medical follow-up.


2. E-Consult'Action

This project involves live remote collaborative ultrasound sessions.


It facilitates medical collaboration between foreign referral doctors and our expert doctors in France, enabling us to speed up the exchange of information, clarify diagnoses and facilitate the decision to take charge of children in the most complex cases. We have also developed follow-up consultations to provide optimum support when the child returns home. In 2023, we carried out around 2 E-Consult'Actions per week, in 18 different countries (80% for patient file review and 20% for follow-up).




Franck, aged 4, comes from Burkina Faso. Faced with the severity of his heart disease, his mother was losing hope that her son would ever be cured. With our corresponding doctor, we organized an E-Consult'Action to refine the diagnosis and evaluate surgical possibilities. Thanks to this collaborative session and the creation of a 3D model of his heart scan, we decided to take him on.


3. Master Class

More specific and technical, this training allows participants to deepen their understanding of different pathologies through a videoconferenced lecture or echocardiography, conducted by a French teaching physician. Launched in January 2022, the Master Class is also an opportunity for participants to ask questions in a privileged setting.


  • Program distributed to the 270 doctors who graduated from the Formation 5/5 program.
  • 15 Master Classes completed (8 in 2023 and 7 in 2022).
  • Between 50 and 60 participants per session and an average of 150 views per replay.
Training on assignment

4. On-site training

This comprehensive training program is accessible to all levels. We offer correspondent doctors the opportunity tolearn from the clinic to diagnosis, in a small group, alongside an expert doctor, during consultations carried out during the Mutual Aid Missions.


Photo: During the last mission to Djibouti, the local doctors - Dr Ibrahim, referring cardiologist, and Dr Abdoulkader, pediatrician - carried out the consultation and echocardiography images themselves, under the supervision of Dr Ivan Bouzguenda, a French cardiopediatrician on mission with the Association.

Echo Training

5. Echo-Training

For several years, we have been offering face-to-face training weeks in the basics of pediatric cardiology in Paris. More than 140 foreign doctors have benefited, in small groups of 10, and we have seen a marked improvement in patient care.

It therefore seemed essential to us to continue this face-to-face training while improving the formula:

  • One doctor at a time comes to France for a week's training.
  • We focus on the practice of cardiac ultrasound.
  • We choose doctors practicing outside capital cities, or even in remote areas.




Dr Patient Muhindo is a general practitioner in a remote area of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where there are no cardiologists or cardiopediatricians. After proving to be a very good learner on the 5/5 Training course, he was the first beneficiary of Echo-Training in 2022. During a week in France, our medical experts accompanied him in this learning process. Since then, we have been working with him on a regular basis to screen, manage and monitor the cardiac children he consults.

Training financed by the Foundation Francine Leca

The Francine Leca Foundation, under the aegis of the Caritas Foundation, finances these training programs.

Discover the Francine Leca Foundation
Francine Leca Foundation

Our scientific publications

Thanks to its medical activities over the past 25 years, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque has been able to develop a scientific research program based on the medium- and long-term results of the most complex heart diseases. This research work, combined with experience in the field, has enabled the Association to benefit from relevant series and figures in its field, which have given rise to several articles published in international medical journals, reinforcing its reputation within the scientific community.

  • Pathologie cardiaque - Common arterial trunk

    Publication in:
    Cardiology in the Young 2018; 28, 302-308,
    Association for European Pediatric and congenital cardiology, 2017


    Late management of truncus arteriosus: 20 years of humanitarian experience
    Late management of truncus arteriosus: 20 years of humanitarian experience


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    Authors :
    Dr. Marielle Gouton, Dr. Vincent Lucet, Dr. Olivier Bical, Pr. Francine Leca

    The aim of this study was to analyze whether children with a common truncus arteriosus diagnosed late (often after the age of 2) could still benefit from reconstructive surgery, whereas the literature recommends management at 1 month of life to avoid the development of irreversible pulmonary hypertension.
    We describe the fate of the cohort of 41 children with common truncus arteriosus, who were on average 3 years old at the time they were managed by Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

    Common arterial trunk; truncus arteriosus; late surgery; humanitarian; survival


  • Pathologie cardiaque - Single ventricle

    Publication in:
    Journal de la Société Française de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasulaire 2018
    Cardiology in the Young 2019


    Surgery of single ventricles in humanitarian practice: surgery for which patients?
    Surgery of single ventricles in humanitarian practice: surgery for which patients?


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    Authors :
    Dr. Marielle Gouton, Dr. Vincent Lucet, Dr. Olivier Bical, Pr. Francine Leca

    The aim of this study is to determine whether the management of children with a single ventricle is possible - and legitimate - in the humanitarian setting in terms of follow-up and improved survival. We analyze the outcome of 136 children with a single ventricle managed by Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

    Single ventricle; uni ventricular hearts; surgery; Fontan; tricuspid atresia; humanitarian

  • Global study - 3000 children operated on

    Publication in:
    AEPC Congress - European Association of Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology; 2017 (Lyon - France).

    A humanitarian action for 3000 children with congenital heart disease from developing countries
    1996-2017: a humanitarian action for 3000 children with congenital heart disease from developing countries


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    Authors :
    Dr. Marielle Gouton, Dr. Vincent Lucet, Dr. Olivier Bical, Pr. Francine Leca

    The aim of this study is to determine whether the management of children with a single ventricle is possible - and legitimate - in the humanitarian setting in terms of follow-up and improved survival.
    We analyze the outcome of 136 children with a single ventricle managed by Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

    Single ventricle; uni ventricular hearts; surgery; Fontan; tricuspid atresia; humanitarian

  • Multicentre study on late outcomes of biventricular repair of double outlet right ventricle

    Authors :
    Pr. François Lacour-Gayet, Dr. Joy Zoghbi, Dr. Marielle Gouton, Dr. Régine Roussin, Dr. Olivier Bical, Dr. Vincent Lucet, Dr. Marion Saint-Picq, and Pr. Francine Leca

    The goal of this retrospective multicentre study was to present late surgical outcomes of the treatment of children with double outlet right ventricle (DORV) coming from emerging countries.


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  • Surgery for severe congenital heart diseases in children from developing nations

    Authors :
    Pr. Francois Lacour-Gayet, MD, Dr. Marielle Gouton, MD, Dr. Olivier Bical, MD, Dr. Vincent Lucet, MD, Dr. Regine Roussin, MD, and Pr. Francine Leca, MD

    Key words : cardiac surgery, congenital heart diseases, humanitarian programs, severe CHD


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  • Influence of coronary arteries transfer on the geometry of the neoaortic root in arterial switch

    Author :
    Pr. Francois Lacour-Gayet, MD

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  • Inverted coronary arteries mostly seen in complex forms of transposition of the great arteries

    Author :
    Pr. Francois Lacour-Gayet, MD

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  • Les valvulopathies rhumatismales opérées chez l’enfant et l’adolescent

    Auteurs : Dr Olivier Michel Bical, Dr Christian Latrémouille, Pr Jean-Louis de Brux, Dr Adrien Hazard, Dr Vincent Lucet, Pr Francine Leca

    Objectif : Les valvulopathies rhumatismales opérées ont un prognostic peu connu chez l’enfant. Depuis 18 ans, l’association Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque fait opérer dans plusieurs centres en France de jeunes malades étrangers atteints de cette pathologie. Le but de cette étude est de rapporter les résultats de cette activité associative.

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