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Who contact ?

The permanent team at Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque is organized into three divisions: development, medical, administrative and financial. The entire team is at your disposal to answer any questions you may have.

Together for the children

Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque
33, rue Saint Augustin - 75002 Paris
Telephone: 01 49 24 02 02
Mail: info@mecenat-cardiaque.org

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Administration and Finance Department

Division administration and finance

The administrative and financial department is responsible for processing donations, issuing tax receipts and ensuring that funds are used in the best possible way to optimize the portion earmarked for children's care.

Our referents in Regions

Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque operates on children at 11 surgical centers in France and 2 in Switzerland. The regional referents are all volunteers who look after the children's foster families and medical follow-up. They are also supported by other volunteers, who help to step up fund-raising activities, notably through the organization of local solidarity events and the development of the Écoles du Coeur project.

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