Our commitments CSR

Lake Togo project, at the heart of our approach environmental
The area around Lake Togo is home to a population of farmers and fishermen. This area, with its high demographic pressure, is experiencing major ecological and social disturbances, characterized by vegetation degradation, significant soil erosion and increasing poverty among local populations.
The sustainable planting of 100,000 trees in 10 villages and the introduction of market gardening will help preserve biodiversity, improve crop and fishing yields by combating soil erosion and stabilizing the banks around the lake.

How are we taking action?
Our goal is to finance the planting of 20,000 trees, which are expected to be in a stable state after five years: enough to absorb the carbon emitted in 2023-2024 by the children's and couriers' flights, the host families' round trips, the kilometers traveled during fund-raising events, the energy consumed in the offices...