I become host family

Visit criteria to become a host family
Some questions you might ask yourself
Who can host a child?
All of you! Whether you're single, married, a parent or not, all you need to do is meet the above criteria.
In which cities should host families live?
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque finances children's heart operations at 13 partner surgical centers, 12 of which require host families: in Angers, Bordeaux, Geneva (Switzerland), Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Paris, Saint-Denis de la Réunion, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Tours. We need new host families living within a 1-hour drive of these cities.
How long does a reception last?
From the moment we meet the child at the airport, to his or her departure, and all the way through the healthcare process, a welcome lasts an average of 6 to 8 weeks.
Can I choose the period?
We operate all year round. Reception is based on your availability.
Who are these children? Where do they come from?
These are children with heart defects who cannot afford surgery in their own countries. Their only recourse is to come to France or Switzerland, but without you, this is impossible.
What happens if something goes wrong?
You're never alone! Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to guide and support you in all circumstances.
How become foster family?
After an initial contact by telephone, you will be welcomed either in Paris at the Association's head office, or by our local representatives. This first meeting is an opportunity to exchange information.
We'll give you a few weeks to think things over, and if you'd like to continue, a member of the medical team will meet with you to discuss the issues involved in welcoming a child with a heart condition.
If you confirm your wish to welcome a child, we decide together when to welcome him/her. Right up to the day of arrival, we stay in touch to prepare for the child's arrival and answer any questions you may have.
Contact Ariane