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I create a collection

Whether you decide to take up a sporting challenge, celebrate a personal moment or create a cultural event, every opportunity is good to collect and help us save the lives of children with heart defects.

Visit key figures

  • 43 challenges

    solidarity sports by 2023

  • 106 children

    saved thanks to collections

  • 450

    solidarity bibs in 2023

I'm going for a sporting challenge

Cross the globe, walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, trail run, rally... Join the Coureurs du Coeur family and turn your sporting challenge into a solidarity event! Mobilize your friends and family and collect donations for children with heart disease.
I'm launching my collection!
Jean-Paul Delbert

"On Route 66, for a month and a half, and during those 3581 km by bike, I often put my knee to the ground. But thanks to the active participation of my donors, I never doubted that we would succeed in saving a child. What a wonderful victory and, above all, what a wonderful feeling!"

Jean-Paul, Coureur du Coeur

I take a solidarity bib

Running/pedaling with a solidarity bib means choosing to take up a solidarity challenge as well as a sporting one: saving children waiting for heart surgery. You'll be supported from the start of your collection to the day of the event, and will receive a t-shirt to proudly wear the Association's colors.

L'Étape du Tour de France

Experience the legendary stage of the Tour de France, with the added bonus of solidarity.

The Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris

With a solidarity bib, running is no longer just an individual performance, but a challenge in aid of children with heart disease.

Gérardmer Triathlon

Donnez du sens à votre performance sur l’une des 3 distances. Nagez, roulez, courez pour offrir un second souffle à des enfants cardiaques !

Le Harmonie Mutuelle Semi-Marathon de Paris

Rejoignez les Coureurs du Cœur sur le plus grand Semi-Marathon du monde et faites battre votre cœur pour les enfants du monde.

Paris-Roubaix Challenge

Affrontez les pavés de l’enfer du Nord avec le cœur pour les enfants cardiaques.

I collect for a opportunity personal

Join our large family of Collecteurs du Cœur and make your special occasions a unique moment of solidarity for the world's children.

- Moments in life: To celebrate a birth or a wedding, to pay tribute to a loved one or to celebrate retirement, create a collection to make the most memorable moments unforgettable!
- Birthday: Collect donations rather than gifts by dedicating your birthday to children with heart disease.
- Events: Are you organizing a concert or a sale? Any occasion is a good opportunity to raise funds!

I'm launching my collection!
10 years anniversary!-2

I collect as family at heart

As a host family, you are an essential link in the great chain of solidarity at Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. For some of you, generosity knows no bounds, and you'd also like to raise funds to finance your little protégé's operation: more than ever, you're our Families of Hearts!
City Family

En nommant leur projet « À Cœur Joie » le ton était donné par la famille De la Ville. Pendant plusieurs mois ils ont redoublé d’énergie, de bonne humeur et de dynamisme sur les réseaux sociaux pour mobiliser leur entourage et faire grossir leur collecte en ligne. Ils ont finalement atteint leur objectif : réunir 12 000 € pour financer la prise en charge médicale de Lucas, un petit camerounais d’un an et demi qu’ils ont ensuite accueilli.

City Family

All you need to know about Collectes du Cœur

  • Why create a fundraising page for Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque ?

    Worldwide, 1 in 100 children is born with a heart defect. Cardiac surgery is often the only way to save these children. By donating to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, you'll be helping children benefit from life-saving surgery, and giving your project that extra touch of solidarity that's been missing to make it magical!

  • What is my fundraising campaign for? How are donations used?

    Donations made by friends and family on our fundraising pages are donated in full to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque to finance our missions. To find out more about how donations are used, please visit this dedicated page.

  • What happens if I don't reach my fundraising target?

    With the exception of solidarity bibs, the fundraising target is free. It is therefore always possible to change it during the course of your fundraising campaign.
    Whatever the amount raised, whether it exceeds or falls short of your target, all donations will be used to finance a child's operation.

    Si vous atteignez le montant symbolique de 12 000 € vous financerez la prise en charge médicale d’un enfant cardiaque.

  • How do I create my collection page?

    Creating your collection page on our site will only take a few minutes, and of course it's free.

    1. Enter the main information for your collection page: a title, the collection end date, a collection goal.

    2. Illustrate your collection: personalize your page by adding a photo or video to make your collection more personal and representative of your action.

    3. Insert your text (choose the free mode or the guided mode by answering 3 questions): it must describe the purpose of your collection, why the actions of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque touch you...

    4. To register your collection page, you need to log in. If this is your first collection, you'll need to enter your first name, last name, e-mail address and password.

Contact Sophie

Sophie Klinguer_Mécénat CHirurgie Cardiaque

Sophie Klinguer

Your Coureurs du Cœur contact 01 49 24 95 59 coureursducoeur@mecenat-cardiaque.org