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You can sauver children !

Depuis sa création, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque a toujours été en affinité avec le monde des entreprises en proposant des offres adaptées à leurs contraintes et leurs envies. En faisant un don ou en fédérant vos collaborateurs autour d’un challenge solidaire et connecté, vous aurez la chance de pouvoir sauver concrètement un enfant.
Taking action with my company

Visit key figures

  • 67 children

    operated by businesses in 2022

  • 55% of sales

    comes from the generosity of the private sector

  • 8

    solidarity challenges in 2023

Make a donation financial

Every donation helps save the world's children. If the amount of your financial donation is equal to or greater than €12,000 (the cost of a heart operation), we will send you a portrait of the child who has been operated on thanks to your generosity. We may even be able to arrange a meeting.

Aïda, 2 and a half years old, Guinea


Demba, age 6, Mauritania


Samuel Christian, 20 months, Cameroon


Marie-Aurélie, 2 years old, Benin


Oumou, 12, Guinea

Launch a challenge united


Nous imaginons ensemble le challenge sportif à effectuer en une période donnée par l’ensemble des collaborateurs.


Vos collaborateurs se dépassent pour les enfants. Grâce à une application, leurs efforts sont comptabilisés et la compétition est lancée !


You're helping us save children's hearts! If you reach your target, you'll be making a donation to the Association, enabling us to operate on one or more children.

Ready for the challenge?

I give and then I defiscalise

As a company, 60% of the amount of the donation is deductible from corporation tax up to a ceiling of 5‰ (5 per thousand) of your annual sales excluding tax (any excess can be carried forward for 5 years). You now benefit from a new ceiling of €20,000. The ceiling of 5‰ of sales remains applicable if it is more advantageous.

They support already

The very tangible result of being able to save children has won over our partners and sponsors. Today, we are honored to be able to count on a base of generous and loyal companies, some of which have been working with us since the beginning!

  • ABCD


    2PGB, a business consulting and management company, supports the Association by ordering solidarity greetings cards and financing the operation of a child with a heart condition each year during the Trophée du Cœur.


    A leader in medical devices, the Group partly finances our cardiopediatric training programs for foreign doctors.

    Ability Network

    Soutient l’association dans ses besoins de transports logistiques événementiels.

    Agri Consult

    Agri Consult, an expert in grain storage, drying and handling, supports the Association with an annual donation.

    Air Liquide

    Air Liquide mobilizes all its employees by offering them the rounding of their salaries.

    Alex Olivier, Les Chocolats du Coeur

    The chocolate factory, located in Neuville-aux-Bois, supports the Association through the Initiatives-Coeur action fund. Involved in the sailing project, the company helps the Association with financial donations, shared products and solidarity operations.

    Amaury Sport Organisation

    Thanks to A.S.O., Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque is present at major sporting events to raise funds: Tour de France, Tour de France stages and SE Marathon de Paris.


    Following a fund-raising event as part of the Tour de France, Antargaz launched 2 sporting challenges for its employees . The 700 participants were so motivated that they passed their challenge with flying colors, two weeks ahead of schedule. To congratulate them, Antargaz made a donation to the Association, enabling us to offer heart surgery to the adorable Marietou.


    Every year, the Digital Services company invites its customers and employees to a day of solidarity in an exceptional setting: the Trophée du Coeur de Golf de Saint-Nom-La-Bretèche.

    Automobile Club de l'Ouest

    Since 2009, the A.C.O has enabled the Association to take part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans race and raise funds.


    138 Banijay employees set themselves the challenge of walking 12,000 km in one month, using an application that tracks their steps. Highly motivated, they exceeded their goal by walking more than 20,000 km! As a reward for their efforts, Banijay offered Yazan, a 4 year old Syrian boy, the surgery to repair his heart.

    Biosense Webster

    In 2022, the entire Biosense Webster team, the cardiovascular division of J&J MedTech, rallied around a common challenge: to save a child with a heart defect. Throughout the year, employees took up challenges as a team to raise funds. In October 2022, they reached the sum needed to finance Anna's operation.

    Bordier & Cie (France)

    Bordier & Cie France is mobilizing its employees for a sporting and human challenge called "Haut les Cœurs" and is taking charge of a child's operation.

    Cabinet Bedin Immobilier 

    The company supports a real collective action. For each notarized deed of sale, a certain sum is donated to the Association. Every year, employees wear our colors at sporting events in the Bordeaux region.


    Cadum est un fidèle partenaire de l’Association depuis 2003 et offre de la visibilité à l’Association sur tous ses produits.


    Le loueur de mobilier événementiel met à disposition de l’association du mobilier pour réaliser ses différents événements annuels.


    Carac offers each member the opportunity to contribute to saving children by donating 1% of their payments.


    Financial donations, solidarity shopping bags, activities during the 24 Hours of Le Mans... Carrefour has been mobilizing its employees and customers since 2000.

    Castel Frères

    Le négociant en vin apporte son soutien à l’association en offrant des bouteilles de vins pour permettre de lever des fonds et animer plusieurs événements pendant l’année.


    CORHOFI helps companies finance the equipment and technological solutions they need to run their businesses. In 2023, the Lyon-based company financed two operations on children with heart problems.


    Clarins has been a loyal sponsor of the Association since 1999, making permanent donations every year and organizing solidarity operations through the Clarins Children's Prize. Clarins is also a long-standing partner of the Yogis du Cœur, the largest solidarity yoga event in France.

    CNP Assurances

    Depuis plusieurs années, CNP Assurances apporte son fidèle soutien à l’association en commandant des cartes de vœux solidaires.

    Denis Power Group

    Depuis plusieurs années, le prestataire audiovisuel apporte son précieux soutien à l’association sur des productions événementielles.

    Bouches du Rhône Department

    The Bouches du Rhône department has funded the surgery of six children with heart problems, operated on in our Marseille branch since 2020.


    Détecnet, an expert in investigation, organizes a solidarity commercial operation and pays 1€ for each investigation carried out.


    Domitys supports the Association in the Tour de France and mobilizes its residents with solidarity actions.


  • EFGH


    E.Leclerc est partenaire du Tour de France depuis 2019 et soutient l’Association en faisant un don à cette occasion.


    The network, which helps IT and office automation companies broaden their horizons through à la carte services, has been supporting the Association for over 20 years, ordering solidarity greetings cards and taking part in every edition of the Gala du Coeur.

    Euronext mobilizes its employees by offering them the rounding of their salaries.

    Event International

    Organisateur du Salon du Chocolat, Event International reverse une partie de la billetterie de la soirée inaugurale de l’événement et met en avant l’Association lors du défilé des personnalités en robes chocolat.

    Estime Duty Free Paris

    In December 2021, the teams participated in a commercial and solidarity challenge. The two best salespeople had the chance to come to the Association to attend the post-operative consultation of Saidou, a 3-year-old Senegalese boy whose heart operation was financed thanks to their company's donation. They had the time to talk with Saidou's host family and to measure the importance of the solidarity operation in which they participated.

    The Association Femme de Foot, in collaboration with Racing Club de Strasbourg Alsace, have pledged to save 11 children with heart problems operated on in our Strasbourg branch.


    The FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) is the world's leading international sports car championship. They support the cause of children with heart disease for the duration of a championship season.

    Fonds de dotation APRC Mécénat

    The engineering company, which facilitates real estate projects, supports the Association and has already financed operations on two children with heart problems in Lyon.

    Forever Living Products

    The company has been supporting the Association since 2006. To mark the 25th anniversary of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, the French subsidiary relaunched its "Jetons du Cœur" operation to save children with heart attacks.

    France Boissons

    Le leader du secteur de la distribution de boisson participe au Trophée du Cœur en fournissant l’ensemble des boissons de l’événement et a déjà financé l’opération de plusieurs enfants cardiaques.

    Grape Hospitality

    As part of its CSR commitment, the Grape Hospitality group makes housekeeping optional after the second night. For every 4,000 rooms not cleaned, the group and its guests finance a child's operation. An ecological and solidarity-based initiative!


    Depuis 15 ans, le spécialiste événementiel soutient l’association pour ses besoins en habillage et signalétique pendant la semaine des 24 Heures du Mans.

    Dassault Group

    Depuis de nombreuses années, le célèbre groupe des filiales innovantes soutient l’association en participant à de nombreux événements comme la Soirée du Cœur mais surtout le Tour de France.

    Funecap Group

    A major player in funeral planning in France, Groupe Funecap has been supporting the Association since 2011, and has already helped finance heart surgery for more than 130 children with heart problems.

    L.D.C. Group

    80 employés du groupe L.D.C. ont couru le 35ème Marathon des Châteaux du Medoc. Les collaborateurs du groupe collectent également toute l’année des km à pieds ou à vélo grâce à un challenge solidaire connecté sur Strava.

    Monoprix Group

    60,000 were collected as part of the Rounding Up campaign. 81 stores across France chose Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque ! Many thanks to them!

    Happy Culture

    Depuis 2021, HONOTEL by Happy Culture organise chaque année une opération exceptionnelle autour d’un double challenge, sportif et digital, dans le but de financer des opérations d’enfants cardiaques. Pendant toute une après-midi à Montmartre, les passants sont invités à monter les marches qui longent le funiculaire. Pour chaque ascension effectuée, HONOTEL reverse des dons à l’Association. Les hôtels offrent également des nuitées aux médecins et aux bénévoles de l’Association lorsque cela est nécessaire.

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    HPE is the initiator of the Gala du Coeur, bringing together its major customers to raise funds for an exceptional 100% charity evening.

    Le Mathurin is a sponsor and partner of the Trophée de Golf de Saint-Nom-La-Bretèche, inviting its key employees and customers to a day of solidarity in an exceptional setting.

  • IJKL

    iEvent System

    Depuis 15 ans, le créateur de lieu unique soutient l’association en offrant la structure de l’association pendant les 24 Heures du Mans pour permettre de lever des fonds auprès des spectateurs présents.


    Le leader mondial du stationnement et de la mobilité individuelle offre à l’Association des tickets de stationnement à destination des familles d’accueil qui viennent en consultation au siège de Paris.


    Initiatives supports the Association through the Initiatives-Coeur Action Fund and the sailing project. They help the Association with financial donations, sharing products and solidarity operations.

    Intercontinental Paris le Grand

    Intercontinental Paris Le Grand and Café de la Paix have been supporting the Association since 2012. They organize "Les Petits Déjeuners du Cœur" to raise funds. The Salon Opéra has also already been graciously made available for events organized by the Association.


    Very involved in the sailing project, this partner from the Vendée region supports the Association by setting up fund-raising activities both internally and with the general public during the major ocean races in which Samantha Davies is taking part on the Initiatives-Cœur boat.

    La Banane de Guadeloupe & Martinique

    Depuis plusieurs années, le leadeur français soutient les sportifs solidaires présents sur les événements de l’association en offrant du ravitaillement en bananes.

    La France Mutualiste

    Since 2016, La France Mutualiste employees have been mobilizing to raise funds through sporting challenges and communicating via an online fundraising page in the company's colors.


    In addition to offering champagne, Lanson wanted to mobilize those who create it. This is how 31 employees took the start of the Run in Reims race, adding a solidarity dimension to their sporting challenge. For each kilometer run, our partner donated €10 to the Association. Doubly motivated, the employees surpassed themselves and nearly 4000€ were donated to the Association in order to participate in a child's heart operation.

    LCL System Epargne

    LCL offers its customers the option of rounding up each credit card payment to the nearest euro or €5, and donates 50% of the rounding up to the Association.

    Le Food Corner

    Le traiteur événementiel participe aux événements de l’association en proposant des animations culinaires gracieuses.

    Le Mans Sarthe Basket

    The Le Mans basketball club, MSB, and its partners have agreed to donate 10 euros to the association on all 3-point baskets scored by Le Mans players during home games during the 2022-2023 season.

    The Little Steamer

    Chaque année depuis 2019, la période du Black Friday est synonyme de solidarité chez Le Petit Vapoteur. Pas de promotions à tout va ni de surconsommation, une partie des recettes à cette période sont reversées à différentes associations dont Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.


    Le constructeur automobile français soutient l’association depuis 15 ans lors des 24 Heures du Mans.

    Lilly France

    Depuis plusieurs années, le laboratoire français apporte son fidèle soutien à l’association en commandant des cartes de vœux solidaires.


    A loyal sponsor and partner of the Association, the l'Oréal group has been offering its employees the rounding of their salaries for several years. The group is also a sponsor of the Association's major events.

    Lov Group

    In 2021, Lov Group and Les Airelles set themselves a challenge: to travel 12,000 km in 1 month. If the employees succeeded, Lov Group would finance the operation on a child. In May, Mariam, a little girl from Mali, was saved.

    Love & Green

    Love & Green donated diapers to foster families to help them with the children they receive.

  • MNOP

    M&G Investment

    M&G Investissement makes a financial donation to benefit children with heart disease.

    Malakoff Médéric

    The Group supports the Association by making a financial donation to help underprivileged children with heart problems.


    Maison Martegoute supported the Association by making a donation to each order to save a child.

    Match Event

    Depuis de nombreuses années, Match Event aide l’association en mettant à disposition du matériel audiovisuel lors de ces événements.

    Maxwell Leardeship Francophonie

    Maxwell Leadership Francophonie supports the Association by donating a percentage of every registration to its Save a Child convention.

    McDonald’s (Le Mans)

    Les restaurants du Mans ont financé l’opération de plusieurs enfants cardiaques pendant les 24 Heures du Mans.

    Every year, MCD Production organizes a Classical Evening in aid of the Association: La Soirée du Cœur.


    Depuis de nombreuses années, Média6 apporte son soutien fidèle à l’association pour la réalisation de ses communications événementielles.


    Avec les 24 Heures du Mans, MMA finance l’opération de plusieurs enfants cardiaques.


    In 2023, MyComm has decided to fund an operation for a child with a heart condition. In addition, they will donate €10 to the Association for each sports pack sold.

    Financial donation, digital action on Instagram and participation in events organized by the 100% Association for the benefit of children with heart disease.

    OUEST France

    Le média français apporte son soutien à l’association sur les événements localisés dans l’ouest de la France comme les 24 Heures du Mans ou le Vendée Globe. La Fondation Ouest France a participé a financer l’opération d’un enfant cardiaque.

    Out Target

    La société d’emballage et de production événementielle soutient l’association sur les productions de différents événements annuels.

    Parc Astérix

    Depuis 4 ans, le célèbre parc d’animation soutien l’association en offrant des billets d’entrées aux familles d’accueil de la région parisienne.

    Since 2017, The Group has been supporting the Association by funding a child's operation. Every year, employees take part in a solidarity sports event in the Association's colors.

    The group has been working with Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque since 2015. In 2020, employees registered for the Coureurs du Cœur Challenge.

  • QRST

    Solo Group

    Le fournisseur de textile habille les bénévoles et offre un Tshirt aux couleurs de l’association chaque enfant opéré.


    Depuis plusieurs années, la société d’intérim apporte son fidèle soutien à l’association en commandant des cartes de vœux solidaires.

    Team Panis Racing

    L’équipage automobile d’Olivier Panis soutient l’association depuis 15 ans lors des 24 Heures du Mans.

    Terra Botanica

    Le Parc naturel Angevin organise chaque année les Yogis du Cœur en faveur des enfants cardiaques. Depuis 2017, 3 enfants cardiaques ont pu être opérés grâce aux séances de yogas solidaires.


    Avec les 24 Heures du Mans, TotalEnergies finance l’opération de plusieurs enfants cardiaques.

    Safran Additive Manufacturing Campus

    Walk 40,000 km in 4 months to save a child? This is the challenge launched by Safran Addictive Manufacturing Campus and its 120 employees. To reward their efforts, Safran made a donation to finance the operation on Nathalie, a little girl from Cameroon who underwent an interventricular septal defect operation in Bordeaux.

    Environment Set

    Every year, the leading pollution control company takes part in numerous Association events to unite its teams.


    Depuis 2007, Škoda France soutient l’Association en fournissant un véhicule à l’année ainsi que les véhicules pour la caravane publicitaire du Tour de France. La célèbre marque automobile a également financé plusieurs opérations d’enfants cardiaques.

    Star Service

    Since 2011, the urban logistics company has been supporting the Association at various events throughout the year. Each year, Star Service finances an operation for a child with a heart condition.

    Suntory Beverage & Food

    In 2020, the employees of Suntory Beverage & Food France chose to support the Association by redistributing their allocated budget to an animation project of its sales team. 4 children were operated on thanks to this wonderful gesture of solidarity.


    TAKABIO has been supporting Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque since 2021, and has funded surgery for 3 children with heart attacks thanks to employees who travel 26,000 km a year. This is the distance linking their 3 global sites between the USA, Angers and Japan.


    This aesthetic medicine laboratory, which has been a generous benefactor, financed the operation of 10 children in 2022 thanks to a connected challenge in which employees had to walk 42,000km to unlock the donation. Danielle Colombe is one of the lucky ones.


    Tikehau Capital is a specialist in alternative asset management, and a loyal patron of the association, financing operations for children with heart problems.



    Nothing is everything

    Thanks to Un Rien C'est Tout, Fnac & Darty customers were able to donate €1 when they made purchases in the 2 stores. 4 children with heart problems were helped.


    Videlio set its employees a challenge: get moving to save a child's heart. Thanks to the 52,000 km they covered and the company's donation, we were able to give Youssef a second wind.

    VINCI Energies

    VINCI Energies is a sponsor of Initiatives-Cœur. The company is a partner of Samatha Davies' sporting project, and organizes fund-raising and communication campaigns on behalf of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque during the project's major highlights, the ocean races.

    Volkswagen Group France

    The Group offers its employees the opportunity to support the Association by rounding off their salaries.


    In 2022, WTW employees in France have chosen Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque as their Association de cœur to support. Throughout the year, several events were organized to mobilize employees and raise funds. The aim: to offer an operation to a child cared for by the Association.


    In 2022, on the occasion of the Tour de France, Zéfal rallied its employees around a common goal: to walk together 12,000 km to save a child. The challenge paid off: Axel benefited from heart surgery that saved his life.

Contact Alice-Anne

Alice-Anne Rosine

Alice-Anne Rosine

Your corporate contact 01 49 24 02 02 aarosine@mecenat-cardiaque.org