Visit during Mutual Aid Missions
Chaque année nous organisons en moyenne 5 Missions d’Entraide à l'étranger afin de réaliser des consultations et entretenir des relations solides avec nos référents à l’étranger.
Visit key figures
Mutual aid missions carried out
countries concerned
consultations en moyenne réalisées par missions
Missions d'Entraide serving children
On site, our objectives are to consult children who have already undergone surgery as part of their medical follow-up, identify children awaiting surgery, strengthen links with our local correspondents and train doctors in cardiopediatrics.
Smart Projects
Visit med-tech to consult more efficiently
This program, developed in collaboration with start-up Visible Patient, is based on 3D modeling. Using a simple scanner, Visible Patient transforms the image into a perfect 3D visualization of the patient's internal anatomy. Doctors can then accurately predict the surgical procedure to be performed whenever possible, and teach by exchanging case studies with foreign doctors. The ultimate aim is to improve the management of complex heart disease.
In the heart Mutual Aid Missions
Plongez-vous au cœur des récits des dernières Missions d’Entraides réalisées.