New record for Coureurs du Cœur in 2021!
Each year, more and more people join the great team of the Coureurs du Cœur. They are sportsmen, adventurers or simply want to raise funds through a personal project, and they never cease to impress us with their audacity, courage and determination. In 2021, we are very happy to have been able to operate on 28 children thanks to them!
Helping to save children's hearts is the leitmotiv of everyone who opens a fundraising page for the Association. In 2021, we loved following the hundreds of solidarity projects that came to life. Here are just a few examples

Patrice rowed an ocean to save a heart
Patrice launched his fund-raising campaign as part of the Atlantic Rowing Challenge project. Accompanied by 4 other people, he rowed from Portugal to French Guiana, over 6,000 km in 52 days!
Patrice made the crossing as a tribute to his sister, who underwent heart surgery as a child at the hands of Professor Francine Leca.
Not only did Patrice and his team break a world record, but he also raised enough money to finance the operation on little Salem (7, Democratic Republic of Congo), whom he had the pleasure of meeting at the Association's offices.

The Auvergnats du Cœur remain as motivated as ever
" Les Auvergnats du Cœur " is an association founded by two friends, Thibaut and Nouredinne, which came into being in 2019 and donates 100% of the money collected to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. From their native Auvergne and surrounded by a great team of volunteers, they multiply solidarity events to raise funds. In 3 years, they have raised €12,000, enough to operate on a child with a heart condition. In 2022, they are setting out again with the same fund-raising objective, but this time they would like to achieve it in one year!

Hugo and Valentin's crazy challenge!
They've known each other for many years, and have now embarked on the adventure of kayaking down the Sarthe from Le Mans to Saint-Nazaire, a distance of 280 km. A personal challenge, but also one of solidarity! Their fundraising page raised the equivalent of €3 per km covered, and then some! Thanks to this dynamic duo, a total of €1,400 was donated to the Association.

Frédéric the Biking Man
For his second sporting project in aid of children with heart disease, Frédéric set the bar high! He headed to Kirgyzstan to take part in the "Silk Road Mountain Race", a 1,800 km bicycle race with a vertical drop of over 30,000 m, all in 14 days! His double challenge was a success: finishing the race and exceeding his fund-raising target. Thanks to Frédéric, €2,415 was donated to the Association

Fabrice climbs Kilimanjaro... or almost!
What a crazy idea! For his2nd challenge in aid of children, Fabrice decided to climb a 1.5m-high structure, and thus reproduce the positive vertical drop of Kilimanjaro (5,895 m), i.e. up and down these 8 steps 7,860 times in a maximum time of 12h30!
Incredible but true, he succeeded in his challenge and raised €1,300.