The incredible destiny of Mireille
A poignant journey towards a second birth, made possible by generosity.
In Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mireille lives with her grandmother, Julie, who juggles the responsibility of three other grandchildren. To support them, Julie sells galettes at the local market. As Mireille grows up, she discovers that her heart beats differently. Out of breath and uneasy with the slightest effort, the little girl watches her friends play with envy.
Desperate to see her granddaughter cured, Julie sees a unique opportunity to heal her when she hears about our team's mission to Bujumbura, Burundi. The two of them
set off on a several-hour bus journey across the border to see our cardiopediatrician, who diagnosed Mireille with Tetralogy of Fallot.
Meanwhile, in Paris, our teams were busy organizing her arrival. And just three months after this decisive consultation, Mireille arrived in France, with her host family.
The long-awaited day of the operation arrived, but it was marked by a difficult hospital journey fraught with complications. It was only at the end of this medical journey that Mireille, at the age of 7, could look forward to a second birth, thanks to the generosity of those who had funded her surgery.
Today, Mireille has been reunited with a calmer Julie, and is back at school.
We will continue to follow Mireille medically and socially throughout her life to ensure that her heart is well.
Thanks to all those who have given it a second wind!