The words of a mom
There are no words sweeter than those of a mother. This is why we were very touched to receive a letter a few days ago from the mother of little Naylah-Simone. We wanted to share this testimony with you because it helps you understand how parents feel when the diagnosis is made and their only chance to see their little heart saved is to let it fly to France.

Do you remember Naylah-Simone? We took charge of her first time in 2018, then a second time in September 2021 to finalize the operation to repair her heart. While staying with her host family in the Paris region, she was lucky enough to meet Samantha Davies before she set off on the Transat Jacques Vabre. Since then, she has returned home to the Democratic Republic of Congo, where she has been reunited with her mother, who shared her story with us:
Naylah-Simone was born on Tuesday, July 05, 2016. Everything was normal, no alarms during the pregnancy, no worries after a caesarean delivery. And so we welcomed our first child. We couldn't wait to finally play the role of parents. We have a piece of farmland that allows us to grow corn, which we sell.
After the birth I stayed with my parents to learn how to take care of Naylah. Three weeks after the birth she wasn't gaining any weight. After a visit to the pediatrician, he advised us to see a cardiologist. But cardiologists are rare in our town, Lubumbashi, in the south of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Without delay, we saw one who confirmed a congenital heart condition requiring surgery at short notice. I remember his words: "I don't see your daughter reaching a year old if her heart isn't operated.
Lost, confused and angry, we made the decision to love our daughter for the days she had left. I stopped farming to devote myself to our daughter. With my degree, I was able to secure a paid internship with a local company, which enabled us to have Naylah regularly monitored by a cardiologist.
Surprise! Her heart held out, despite her life-threatening prognosis, and she made it to a year. Even so, we were never able to raise the necessary funds to offer her a heart operation. We were hoping for a miracle, and then, just a few days before her2nd birthday, in full cyanosis, I called for "help" on social networks. I was letting off steam! My action was not in vain, as a kind lady replied to my comment: "I've sent your message to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, they'll be able to contact you." Our glimmer of hope turned into what we had hoped for: A MIRACLE!

Then everything happened very quickly. In July 2018, we exchanged with Mécénat and in October 2018 Naylah benefited from her operation. When he returned, we received the shivering news that a second operation was needed to get his heart working "normally".
As soon as she returned in December 2018, we noticed a big change. Naylah started attending nursery school and in 2 years the only visits to the hospital were to check that all was well.

In 2021, Naylah returned to France for her full treatment.
This exceptional heart has put exceptional people in its path. Every beat of Naylah's heart involves thousands of people. Thanks to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, she has crossed an entire continent. She has taken part in extraordinary activities, and above all, her heart is repaired. Now she can run, as she herself says.
Naylah has learned a lot in France. Sometimes you even get the impression that the role of parent was played just as well in her host family. She had a great family! Thank you to them and to all the host families who look after our children.
Reread his mother's first testimonial, which we shared with you in 2020.