5/5 training: launch of Advanced Program!
The "5/5 Training" of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque is an application that allows all doctors (cardiologists, paediatricians, general practitioners, etc.) throughout the world to receive free training in cardiopediatrics to enable better management of children with heart disease. Given the success of the application, and in the continuity of the Global Program and the Expert Program, we are launching the Advanced Program at the beginning of this year.

5/5 mobile-learning training means that doctors don't have to travel. They can train where they want, when they want, and devote more time to their patients. The system alsooffers children the chance to be diagnosed in isolated areas, saving them long and costly journeys to the city, and enabling them to be diagnosed more quickly.
Global Program
In March 2020, thanks to the support of our patron the Boston Scientific Foundation, we launched the "Formation 5/5" app and its "Global Program" consisting of 17 training courses: general, echocardiography and the main congenital heart diseases. Each course consists of 5 modules, short didactic videos with the training doctors, quizzes, review sheets and a toolbox. The result is a solid foundation of knowledge in pediatric cardiology.
Thanks to the appointment of "ambassador" doctors and a sponsorship system, the number of learners has grown rapidly to exceed 300 doctors in training on the app by the end of 2020.

Expert Program
8 months after the launch of the Global Program, we felt it was necessary to offer more content and take the training a step further, for all doctors who had already successfully completed the first learning phase. This is why we created the Expert Program, launched in November on the app.
It consists of a series of practical case studies, presented on video by Prof. Francine Leca. This "case-by-case" study phase confronts learners with actual cases of congenital heart disease encountered at the Association. It enables them to test their knowledge and make a critical analysis, both in terms of therapy and diagnosis.
Thanks to our loyal partner Abbott for funding this program.

The Advanced Program
To enable the most motivated to perfect their training, we have just launched "The Advanced Program" in January 2021. More technical than the previous two, it is aimed at learners wishing to go into greater detail in their training, as well as at already experienced cardiopediatricians.
It comprises 14 training courses, with in-depth coverage of complex heart disease, treatment and follow-up of congenital heart disease, drug therapy and surgical repair techniques.
This level was also financed thanks to the Boston Scientific Foundation, which believed in our project and continues to support it.

What's next?
We aim to train a total of 500 doctors on the app by 2021 thanks to this innovative solution. We also want to open up Formation 5/5 to other countries, again thanks to the ambassador and sponsorship system.
The challenges for this year are many: we need to encourage new doctors to train in cardiopediatrics, while keeping active those who have started but not yet completed their training.
To achieve this, we rely on a plan for animating our community, with qualitative, personalized follow-up for each learner.
They were formed...