Organization and Finance

How we work
Consultez ici :
• Les statuts
Donate in full trust
Le Don en Confiance is a non-profit organization open to all causes of general interest. Its aim is to preserve and develop a relationship of trust with donors. In compliance with a Code of Ethics, its mission is to monitor public appeals for generosity, based on the principles of transparency, efficiency, probity and disinterestedness, and respect for donors, both natural and legal persons.
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque has obtained the renewal of its label for a further 3 years in April 2022.

France Generosity
France générosités, an organization of which Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque is a member, was created on the initiative of associations and foundations making public appeals for donations. Its mission is to defend, promote and develop generosity in France. It represents the sector in dealings with the public authorities, defending the interests of its members and fostering a climate and context favourable to
for generosity.

The financial statements, presented to and approved by the Board of Directors on June 13, 2023, and approved by the Annual General Meeting on June 30, 2023, gave rise to a general auditor's report which can be consulted here :