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L'Tour stage from France

Take part in the Tour de France stage with a solidarity bib and turn your sporting challenge into a solidarity challenge: defy the summits to save children with heart malformations.

Visit key figures

  • 70

    children saved since 2016

  • 18 children saved

    grâce à l’Étape du Tour de France 2024

  • 350

    dossards solidaires disponibles en 2025

L'Tour stage de France 2025

Nous vous tiendrons prochainement informés de la date et du parcours.

Vous pouvez déjà réserver votre dossard solidaire pour l’édition 2025 !

Je réserve mon dossard !

Live l'Étape du Tour, solidarity more

Running with a solidarity number gives a human dimension to your sporting challenge. By collecting aminimum donation of €800 from your friends, family, colleagues, company, etc., you'll be entitled to a race number for the Tour de France.

Intégrez la plus grande communauté de coureurs solidaires, les “Coureurs du Cœur”, et aidez-nous à financer l’opération d’enfants cardiaques grâce aux dossards solidaires.

Etape du Tour_Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque

How to get your number solidarity?


Ultra-motivated, you involve your friends and family in your sports and solidarity project by opening an online fundraising page to reach a minimum donation of €800 and validate your registration.


Determined to participate, you make a minimum donation of €800 to get your solidarity bib.

Your generosity is a credit to you!


Ask your company to finance your project and create a team among your colleagues.
A CSR, sports and solidarity project!

They tell you their stage !

On Sunday, July 9, 2023, more than 280 Coureurs du Cœur donned their jerseys in the Association's colors and set off on their bikes to ride from Annemasse to Morzine in L'Étape du Tour de France 2023. Read what 4 of them had to say.
stage of the Tour Alison

"L'Étape du Tour de France with a solidarity bib was a great human and sporting adventure. I loved raising funds and explaining the purpose of the project to the various people I met. Doing the adventure under the colors of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque was a real source of motivation during the event, which was really not easy! The volunteers and team were also a great help on the Croix de Fer pass! I'll remember it for a long time, full of intense emotions, between physical suffering and the joy of taking part for the children with heart attacks!"

Alison - 2nd participation with a solidarity bib
Testimony Philippe_Etape du Tour

"Exerting yourself physically so that children can have a completely normal adult life through sport is exceptional. That's what motivated me the most personally."

Philippe - 3rd participation with a solidarity bib
Frédéric_EDT_Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque

"I didn't want to ride my bike stupidly with my head in the handlebars, I was pedaling for something. Unconsciously, you owe it to yourself to succeed and go all the way."

Frédéric - 2nd participation with a solidarity bib

Relive the edition 2022

More than 260 amateur cyclists set off on the Étape du Tour on July 10, 2022 wearing a solidarity bib. They accomplished a sporting feat by pedaling 167 km with over 4,700 m of positive ascent, and a solidarity feat by raising a record €144,000 together!

Discover the images of this exceptional edition!

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Contact Sophie

Sophie Klinguer_Mécénat CHirurgie Cardiaque

Sophie Klinguer

Your contact for the Tour de France stage coureursducoeur@mecenat-cardiaque.org