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Visit Tour de France

At the 2023 event, we celebrated our 20-year partnership with the Tour de France and the 379 children with heart problems saved thanks to our various fund-raising activities during the event!
TDF_Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque (1)

Visit key figures

  • 379

    children saved since 2003

  • 21

    children to save in 2024

  • 5

    vehicles in the Tour de France Caravan

Tour de France 2024

• Tour de France : du 29 juin au 21 juillet
• Étape du Cœur : 5 juillet entre Nuits-Saint-Georges et Gevrey-Chambertin
• Étape du Tour : 7 juillet entre Nice et le Col de la Couillole



How are we saving children on the Tour de France?

We're mobilizing all our energy to reach our goal: to raise enough money to provide heart surgery for 21 children in 21 stages. To achieve this, we need to be relentless, to redouble our imagination and to count on the generosity of our partners and the public.

The Tour de France stage

Amateur cyclists pedal under the same conditions as the pros with a solidarity bib!

L'Étape du Cœur

Celebrities give the Association media exposure by pedaling a stage of the Tour de France.

The Tour de France Caravan

We promote the Association on the roads of the Tour as part of the mythical publicity caravan.

Women's Tour de France with Zwift

For the past 2 years, we've been continuing to raise funds for the Tour de France Femmes with Zwift.
Stage of the Tour de France

The Tour de France stage

A mythical event for cycling fans of the Grande Boucle, the Tour de France stage is a unique opportunity to pedal a stage of the route under the same conditions as the professionals. Every year, it attracts thousands of sports enthusiasts who rush to buy race numbers as soon as they are available.

Thanks to our partnership with A.S.O, organizer of the event, we are fortunate to be able to obtain solidarity race numbers. A race number that allows you to take part in the competition, with the added bonus of solidarity, since to obtain it you don't have to buy it, but collect donations in aid of children with heart disease.
On a dedicated online collection platform, registered Coureurs du Cœur runners must collect a minimum of €800 in donations to ensure their participation.

To thank them, we offer surprises and encouragement on the day. It's an unforgettable experience, and helps us save children's hearts every year!



Take out a solidarity bib

Etape du Coeur

L'Étape du Cœur

It's been a tradition on the Tour de France since 2003: every year, celebrities and ambassadors from Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque come together in a collegial atmosphere for the "Étape du Coeur ". Sportsmen and women, TV presenters, journalists, Koh-Lanta adventurers, actors... they pedal for children with heart disease, dressed in the Association's colors, on a stage a few hours before the professional cyclists pass by.

By donating their time, they help Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque raise its profile at this event, which is covered by the media.

In 2024, you can cheer on our ambassadors during the time trial between Nuits-Saint-Georges and Gevrey-Chambertin.

Caravane du Tour de France de Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque

The Tour de France Caravan

Grâce à la générosité de nos partenaires de cœur, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque a la chance d’être présente dans la mythique caravane du Tour de France à moindre coût :

• Les véhicules nous sont prêtés par Škoda et sont décorés par Ideactif.

• Haribo, E.LECLERC, Le Parc Astérix et Jules nous offrent des milliers de goodies à offrir au public.

- The caravan is led by a team of volunteers who stay with local residents free of charge.

Chaque année notre caravane s’embellit et représente fièrement l’Association sur les routes de France (et d’Europe !). En 2024, la caravane Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque va prendre la route pour le Tour du Cœur. Elle sera composée de 5 véhicules, dont 4 célèbrant la générosité des Français et « La Tronquinette », un tronc de collecte géant agrémenté d’une pièce de monnaie pour représenter notre effort de collecte sur l’événement.

The aim is to promote the Association's cause to the general public throughout France, thank our partners and spread the message that "Every donation counts" in order to save children!

Départ le 29 juin d’Italie pour la première étape !

Tour de France Women with Zwift

Women's Tour de France with Zwift

Since the creation of the Tour de France Femmes with Zwift, our caravan continues to criss-cross the roads of France during this event, and our fund-raising activities can continue for another week!

As with the Tour de France publicity caravan, our partners support us so that Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque can continue to shine on the roads at lower cost.